America's rich are leaving New York for little urban communities
America's rich are leaving New York for little urban communities

New York – Rich families living in New York during the Corona progress are leaving New York and moving to littler urban areas. 1% of the wealthy in New York City have a pay of in excess of 16 crores.

These rich are presently moving to little urban communities and islands. Southern Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Martha Vineyard, Hampton Hassan Valley, are showing up in spots to live. Where they have designed another word for the Corona virus outcast.

In excess of 28000 individuals have passed on in New York. Simultaneously, the quantity of tainted patients has stretched around 3 lakh. Because of which the rich have begun moving from New York, dreading Corona virus.

Around 4 lakh 20000 individuals have left New York in a range of 2 months from March 1 to May 1. New York University educator Doctor Kim Phillips says that each network is acting contrastingly after a corona virus contamination.

The greater part of the individuals leaving here are white and high-gaining. Data uncovered in the overview. It has the most elevated relocation in 4 regions viewed as flourishing. 40 percent of the individuals living here have left New York.

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